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Our intent is to provide a forum for developers to learn about and discuss the various components of a production quality ASP.NET application.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 (CST) - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About IIS
speaker: Terri Donahue

6PM - 9PM
{Speaker's notes provided}

Many developers don't know how to use IIS to its fullest. Come learn what all of those setting mean and the impact on your websites. I will be collecting questions from the community before her presentation to ensure that all of your questions are answered.

Eventbrite - Dallas ASP.Net Meeting - September 27, 2016

Terri did an amazing job and has supplied us with her PowerPoint slides:

Speaker's Notes

Terri Donahue, @owterri, is a Microsoft MVP for IIS. There are only a couple of IIS MVP's so you know she must know her stuff! Terri is a Systems Administrator that has been supporting IIS since version 4.0. Through the years she has had extensive hands-on experience with many web servers including Lotus Domino, Apache, and of course, IIS. She is hard at work at a new startup called dynamicWEB, http://www.dynamicwebusa.com/.

International .NET Association (INETA)

Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete. If you're alive, it isn't.
--- Richard Bach

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